Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Rainbow Illusion

  1. Stare at the black dot in the Rainbow for 20 seconds.
  2. Without blinking your eye, look up at the sky or a light-colored wall.

What happens when you stare at this oddly colored arc? Your brain will make a candy-colored surprise out of thin air.

Why do you see a rainbow where there is none?
This type of illusion is called an "afterimage" illusion. 
There are two kinds of afterimages - negative and positive. In a positive afterimage, the original color of the image is retained, but in a negative afterimage, like this rainbow illusion, the colors become inverted.
Negative afterimages happen because staring at something brightly colored overtaxes the visual system's cells and they become overstimulated, which makes them less sensitive. In response, the cells for the bright color weaken while their opposing color signal strengthens. In other words, staring at something green for too long will result in a reddish afterimage.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Understand the Real Problem - Is it ADHD or ADD - Eric Jensen, Ph.D.

Understand the Real Problem

Here's a student for you. A boy who is eight years old seems kind of scattered and impulsive. He forgets a lot of what he hears. When teachers ask the student to get organized, he fools around. In class he's unable to predict the next sequence of tasks. He doesn't reflect on his behaviors. His older brother has many of the same symptoms and they both came from poverty. The teacher is pretty sure that he has what? What's your diagnosis?
Many teachers would have written down ADHD or ADD. What you should know is that for a lot of students who have these kinds of symptoms, it's easy to label someone but unless you actually are a medical doctor or a psychiatrist, you might get surprised by it.
healthy brain scan
Here you're looking at a healthy version of the brain. Actually this is my own brain using SPECT technology. You're seeing four different views of it. The bottom is on the upper left hand corner and then the right hemisphere is on the top right. Left hemisphere lower left and then the top of the brain on the right. Here is what you should know. This brain looks like it's pretty healthy because smooth surface shows even activation in the brain is standing alone. Now check out the same brain when I am stressing out like crazy.
underactive brain scan
What you now see is my brain doesn't look so good. This is actually very similar to what you'd see in a student who has serious ADHD. All of this happened from stress. Let's go back to the student we introduced.
Possibilities for this student include:
  • If he grew up poor, it means greater likelihood of increased chronic stress disorders.
  • Stress disorders mimic the exact same symptoms of ADHD.
  • Impulsivity, poor memory and achronica (which is a Greek word to mean out of sync with time).
As long as he keeps being labeled as ADHD, he will never get the intervention that he needs.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

How does dyslexia impact home life? - Joanne Gouaux

Understanding Dyslexia: 5 Ways to End the Homework Struggle:

Many parents find themselves feeling exhausted and frustrated with the role of homework enforcer and personal tutor. Homework support for a child with dyslexia adds another item to the ever expanding to-do list of family responsibilities.

Our children spend the greater part of their lives at school, and homework time often determines how much family time remains at the end of each day. If your child struggles to learn independently, it’s easy to fall prey to the pressure of the ticking clock. Whether or not time efficiency is a reasonable expectation, the pressure to perform can quickly become a power struggle between parent and child, resulting in angst and tension. The family dynamic surrounding homework can dramatically affect our relationship with our child, and likewise how our child views their relationship with us, along with how they feel about their own abilities.

“All kids want to do well.  All kids are trying,” said Sarah Entine, director of the documentary film Read Me DifferentlyRead Me Differently explores how undiagnosed dyslexia and ADHD have impacted three generations in Entine’s family, and portrays the confusion at home surrounding missed connections between parent and child, along with general misunderstandings within families. While working on her Masters Degree in Social Work, Entine realized how being dyslexic shapes her communication style, despite having ‘overcome it’ as a reader and writer in elementary school.  Through a broader understanding of dyslexia, she discovered that the identification is not limited to a mere difficulty with reading, writing or speech.  She recognized communication patterns in her family relationships that spanned well beyond the school years, bridging from one generation to the next.  By sharing her family’s story, Entine unravels some of the communication mysteries that are common in households with members who identify as ADHD or dyslexic. 

Communication and coping mechanisms

“You want to be like your friends.  You want to be like everyone else,“ says Entine. Communication conflicts bring to light coping mechanisms that some dyslexics adopt in hopes of securing parent approval: pushing themselves to the point of exhaustion, participating in activities they don’t enjoy so as to appear productive or smart, struggling to prove their capability and worthiness over and over again.  She recommends teaching children self-compassion as a method to alleviate some of the anxiety and stress that children encounter while trying to perform at school, or while doing homework with their parents. There are also some other strategies parents can use to create a cooperative and healthy homework relationship with their child at homework time.

Strategies to help end the homework struggle:

  • Practice empathy. Put yourself in their shoes. Homework, when coupled with overcoming dyslexia, is no small task for either child or parent. Play anthropologist for an hour and pretend you’re simply at the homework table to observe and witness a marvel of human invention, homework.
  • Welcome mistakes as teachable moments. Trying something and failing gives us valuable information.  Mistakes are often how we learn. It helps develop resilience, something successful dyslexics have mastered.
  • Customize techniques for your child. Listening and asking questions about your child’s experience will provide valuable insight into their behaviors and interests which can help you develop appropriate incentives based on knowing your child’s motivations.
  • Do your homework, too. Prepare for the homework session by checking in ahead of time on the subject matter. This especially helpful for math assignments. YouTube is a wonderful resource for a three minute refresher or intro to the latest curriculum. 
  • Develop multi-sensory strategies. Help boost your child’s homework stamina by bringing in other sensory outlets. For example, offering your child a piece of gum to chew, the option to sit on a yoga ball, or to stand rather than sitting in a chair. Invite your child to pace around the room while brainstorming aloud for a writing assignment, or provide a rubber band they can fidget with to facilitate an outlet for their need to move. Do some silly stretches, think calisthenics, with an emphasis on crossing midline to help bilateral integration, which means using both sides of the body at the same time. For children distracted by noise, offer a quiet place, or allow them to put on some noise canceling headphones.
Above all, avoid power struggles. It takes two for tug-o-war, so beware of picking up your end of the rope. If your child is showing signs of overstimulation such as: decreased focus, yawning, or you notice their gaze drifting off, ask them what they need to do to get back on track. Offer a snack, or bathroom break. Sometimes they’ll tell you they need a break. Set a timer for five to ten minutes and provide a “brain break.” Keep your cool, and don’t mimic negative behavior. 
“It’s not just a learning difference,” says Entine.  “Our brains are wired differently. It’s a mistake to blanket lack of effort as the cause of a dyslexic child’s struggle with reading and writing.” 
As parents, we naturally observe certain qualities in our children that evoke feelings of closeness, or inspire a warm nostalgia about our own childhood. Seeing these qualities is rewarding. We feel close and connected, understood. What about the opposite? What happens when our children, through no fault of their own, struggle with something that triggers feelings of anxiety, shame, or helplessness – all three as relevant to our present as they maybe from our past? Entine’s advice, “Put on your own oxygen mask before you try to help someone else.”

Strategies for parents:

  • Give yourself permission to ask for help. Whether from another parent, a teacher, a tutor, a friend, or even an online dyslexia support group, sometimes you need help as well.
  • Stay flexible, and observe your child’s responses rather than reacting.  Use I statements, “I’m noticing you’re yawning,” and follow up with engaging questions such as “what do you need to do right now to move forward?”
  • Do something nice for yourself. You're doing a great job with your child, you also need to stay motivated.
  • Start the homework sessions with a hug. Reassure your child that they’re loved and valuable as a person.
Utilizing some of these strategies with your child can help foster better communication and family relationships, not just during homework but throughout the day.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Reading Assistant - The Innovative solution to improve English Proficiency

Dear Educator,

Are you looking for a solution to improve your Students Reading Skills and proficiency in English. 

Introducing "Reading Assistant" - the only innovative reading program that “listens” to your Students as they read out loud, helps them when they struggle and automatically scores oral reading. The Program is a proven solution to improve the Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension of your Students. To know more about the program please visit
 Contact us : 97899 79090/ 84284 34567 or write to

Monday, August 15, 2016

Five reasons you should take your class outside - Sir Ken Robinson

'We learn much more from the world around us than we necessarily do sitting at desks,' the education guru says
Education guru Sir Ken Robinson has shared his thoughts on why learning outside is a good idea, leading to many benefits for learning. (Please watch the Video for TES... )
"What really drives education is curiosity, trying to fill gaps in our understanding," Sir Ken says, author of Finding Your Element and other books on creativity in education. "And the world around us is a tremendous resource to stimulate that curiosity."
He lists five reasons why taking learning outdoors is a good idea:
1  Nature is a powerful resource.
2  Children can learn through practical hands-on activities.
3  You can tap into children's curiosity.
4  It is a social experience and children learn from working together.
5  Learning outdoors is fun.
"Education takes up a great deal of children's time," Sir Ken adds. "This is their childhood, the only one they get and learning outdoors, working together, playing together is fun. It's about the quality of our lives and experiences."
Sir Ken Robinson supports Empty Classroom Day, an initiative to inspire learning and play outside the classroom, backed by Persil’s Dirt is Good campaign.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Parent Checklist: Is My Child At-Risk for Learning Issues? - Kristina Collins

Spark Learning  has developed the following parent checklist to learn what concerns parents see in their children and to help them decide if their child is in need of help. Choose one answer for each question and indicate how often the behavior is exhibited in your child’s daily life with the following options: Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, or Always.

In case you require the soft copy of the Parent Observation Format, please mail to
  • Misunderstands what you say
  • Needs instructions repeated
  • Misunderstands jokes
  • Has difficulty understanding long sentences
  • Needs questions repeated
  • Has difficulty retelling a story in the right order
  • Cannot finish long sentences
  • Has trouble saying the same thing in a different way (rephrasing)
  • Has trouble finding the right word
  • Pronounces common words incorrectly
  • Gets confused in noisy places
  • Has difficulty engaging in conversation with others
  • Has behavior problems
  • Lacks self-confidence
  • Avoids group activities
  • Has trouble paying attention
  • Has trouble sounding out words
  • Has trouble reading
  • Has trouble spelling
  • Cannot tell you about the events of his/her school day
If you answered Sometimes, Often or Always to several of these, your child may be at-risk for a language-based learning disability and will likely require intervention to prevent these issues from affecting him/her academically in the future. Why are we posting this?

We hear from countless parents like you who are looking for help for their bright child who struggles with reading, writing, attention, or other issues. You’re in the right place. We can help you help your child....

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Take a Minute to understand my World : An AUTISTIC CHILD

Please take a minute to understand what an AUTISTIC Child wants to tell you;

  1. First and foremost “I am a CHILD” and Autism is just one aspect of me.
  2. All those things that are ORDINARY to you (like light, sound, touch etc) can be PAINFUL to me. Click here to experience how I feel
  3. Change is the only constant to you but I love to be in “MY ROUTINES”. I get disturbed when there is a change in it.
  4. Don’t compare me with other Children, not even with other Autistic Kids. I am special in my own way.
  5. Not every Autistic Child should or can have special or hidden TALENTS. Do not search for the “Rain Man” in me. Please focus and build on what I can do instead of what I can’t.
  6. You may think I don’t do what you expect me to do because I don’t listen to you….I am sorry I JUST CANNOT UNDERSTAND what you say. Sometimes even small instructions are extremely difficult for me to understand.
  7. It is very tough for me to tell you what I need. I do not know the WORDS to talk to you…not even my pains….
  8. Most of you do not want to be with me but I want to BE WITH YOU. Only thing is I do not know how.
  9. Learning is tough for me. But if you can tell, show and do things along with me “I TOO WILL LEARN”.
  10. Please love me without any expectations. I sometimes may not be able to “RECIPROCATE” the way you want me to. After all.... you all know that “Love is unconditional” and so I DESERVE IT.
            Yours Lovingly,
            AUTISTIC CHILD
            (Your Fellow Human Being)

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Shared Roots of Mental and Physical Pain

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." 
The old adage is being called into question by new research from UCLA: 

Dr. Naomi Eisenberger has found that social rejection and physical pain are intrinsically linked in the brain, so much so that a lack of the former can impact the latter or how social rejection might affect physical pain. In an experiment published in the 2006 issue of the journal Pain, Eisenberger used 75 subjects to explore perceptions of physical pain in the context of social situations. 

First, researchers identified each person’s unique pain threshold by transmitting varying levels of heat to the forearm. Participants rated painlevels until they reached “very unpleasant.” This provided a baseline for personal pain thresholds under normal conditions. 

Participants then participated in a ball-tossing game with three characters on a computer screen. One character represented the participant, and researchers told participants that the other two characters were played by real people, though a computer actually controlled everything. The participant was either socially included (the ball was tossed to their character) or excluded (the ball was never tossed to their character). In the final 30 seconds of the game, a new heat stimulus was applied and subjects again rated the level of pain they felt. 

Unsurprisingly, the non-included group reported 67% more social distress on average. More surprisingly, the same people who reported great social distress from the game also reported higher pain ratings at the end of the game-showing a link between social and physical pain. Other studies on improving emotional control. Many fMRI studies have confirmed that emotional and physical pain both activate the brain’s dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Still other studies note that people who suffer from physical conditions such as chronic pain are more likely to have emotional anxiety and feel social rejection more deeply. 

Neuroscience, researchers explored one method of enhancing emotional control through an adaptation of a well-studied working memory task called n-back. In the standard n-back task, people must remember different visual or auditory stimuli from 1, 2, 3, or more trials ago; in this case, they were prompted with images of different facial expressions and emotionally loaded words such as dead and evil. Out of 34 total participants, those who spent 20 days using this emotion-based working memory task controlled their distress more effectively when later exposed to films of traumatic events. 

These two studies are fairly preliminary; the future of understanding and improving emotional control is still full of open questions. But as researchers continue to explore the complex workings of the human mind, there is more and more evidence that seemingly unrelated functions may in fact share underlying brain processes. These fascinating insights into the neuropsychological basis of emotional distress only scratch the surface of what we can learn about the impact of emotional control on our daily lives.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Additional avenues for broad-based cognitive improvement - Kristina Birdsong

When it comes to ways of improving cognitive ability, much of our discussion centers on complex interventions. But additional avenues for broad-based cognitive improvement could be as simple as a walk in the park. While spending more time outside may sound like practical folk wisdom, research shows that natural environments provide real and measurable psychological benefits. Let’s look at some of the findings.

Two kinds of cognitive attention

It has long been accepted among psychologists that attention and concentration are a finite resource that is depleted throughout the day as we perform cognitively demanding tasks. But research on this topic makes a crucial distinction between two different ways that our attention can be engaged.

Much like the cognitive tasks we are faced with at school or at work, urban environments deplete our resources by demanding “directed attention”, where one must focus on processing specific stimuli while filtering out others and suppressing physiological or emotional distractions. There is traffic that must be avoided, signs that must be read, and street grids or transit systems that must be navigated among constantly moving crowds, all of which leads to mental fatigue

Natural environments, on the other hand, interact with our cognition in the radically different manner of fascination or “effortless attention”. Stimuli like a beautiful sunset or a green meadow capture our attention involuntarily and non-threateningly, without requiring conscious focus or demanding a response. Like stretching muscles between workouts, such natural environments engage our cognitive function in a way that restores rather than drains their capacity.

Research proposed in the 1980s by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan has consistently validated the benefits of exposure to nature. In multiple studies, exposure to natural environments significantly improved participants’ performance on attention, memory, and cognition tests when compared to either urban or indoor environments. Amazingly, these benefits appear to extend to more artificial substitutes such as indoor plants or even just looking at nature photographs.

Mental and physiological health

Natural environments have also correlated with reduced stress and better mental health outcomes. According to Stanford researcher Gregory Bratman, “nature scenes activate our parasympathetic nervous system in ways that reduce stress and autonomic arousal, due to our connection to the natural world.” For example, office workers with windows facing natural scenery have reported higher job satisfaction and less workplace frustration. When a recent study added brain scans into the mix, nature walks were shown to reduce activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex, a brain region associated with depressive rumination.

Exposure to nature appears to have physiological benefits as well. Nursing home residents suffering from dementia showed improved mobility after spending time in a garden, and hospital patients with green window views recovered faster from surgery.

Social and behavioral intelligence

Supporting the age-old refrain of being told to go play outside, studies suggest that nature has even greater significance for children. The variety of objects and patterns found in natural landscapes encourages imaginative play, which is linked to social as well as cognitive development. A study focusing on inner-city children found that, at least for girls, greener home surroundings correlated with greater impulse control and self-discipline. Likewise, playing in natural spaces was associated with a reduction of symptom severity in children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. In a broader sense, the open and unstructured nature of outdoor natural spaces encourages social cohesion through group activity and cooperative problem-solving. And this benefit of green spaces also extends to adults, especially those belonging to marginalized urban populations.


Something as simple as exposure to nature can be an additional avenue for improving learning outcomes alongside more targeted cognitive interventions. However, access to natural spaces is already scarce in the areas where many educationally disadvantaged children are concentrated, and the issue is becoming more pressing as the rate of urbanization increases worldwide. Given what we know about the interlocking relationship between cognitive, behavioral, and emotional development in early childhood, it behooves educators to lend more consideration to environmental factors, so that we can provide children with the best possible space in which to grow.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Which one to believe

How do you determine which reading interventions
are truly research-based?

BrainChecking their citations is a good place to start. But it’s also good to understand where they came from.

Fast ForWord was developed in a university lab and we stay true to those roots. In fact, we continue to be independently researched almost 20 years after the first products were released.

Some of our favorite independent research comes from Stanford and Harvard and shows actual physiological changes in the brain after struggling readers used Fast ForWord. Look below at the brains of proficient readers and struggling readers. See the difference? One has more concentrated activity in certain areas.
Think of it like this: you get where you want more quickly if you’re using a well-paved highway instead of potholed surface streets, right?

It’s as if the brains of the struggling readers (when doing reading activities) are functioning with bumpy surface streets– the pathways and connections are there, but the route is less efficient and slower, as evidenced by the lighter, more diffuse activity. Proficient readers, on the other hand, have nicely paved neural networks (highways) when doing reading-like activities and their activation is concentrated, more intense, more efficient.

Independent researchers at Stanford1 and Harvard2 found that brains of struggling readers became more like those of typical readers after they used Fast ForWord. There was increased activation in brain areas critical for reading after struggling readers completed 8 weeks of Fast ForWord.

The averaged fMRI data shown illustrates how the brain activity of students with dyslexia came to resemble the brain activity of proficient readers after Fast ForWord. Likewise, behavioral tests showed improved reading and language performance as well.

Fast ForWord addresses the core causes of student learning difficulties by targeting foundational auditory processing, phonemic awareness, language, memory and attention skills. It is one of the most powerful and unique reading interventions ever created. Proven effective for:

  • Struggling readers
  • English language learners
  • Students with learning disabilities: specific learning disability, language impairment, dyslexia, auditory processing disorders
  • Students on the autism spectrum

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Remediation Training Improves Reading Ability of Dyslexic Children - By: Lisa Trei

For the first time, researchers have shown that the brains of dyslexic children can be rewired -- after undergoing intensive remediation training -- to function more like those found in normal readers.


The training program, which is designed to help dyslexics understand rapidly changing sounds that are the building blocks of language, helped the participants become better readers after just eight weeks.

The findings were released Monday in "Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: Evidence from functional MRI," published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition.

"It was very dramatic to see the huge differences that occurred in the brains of these children," said Stanford psychology Professor John Gabrieli, one of the study's authors. "The intervention, although substantial, only covered eight weeks. One note of optimism about the study is that such a limited intervention can have a substantial effect on reading scores."

Brain imaging scans of the children who participated in the training showed that critical areas of the brain used for reading were activated for the first time, and that they began to function more normally. Furthermore, additional regions of the brain were activated in what the researchers believe the dyslexics may have used as a compensatory process as they learned to read more fluently.

Gabrieli said the study's findings may help demonstrate how different kinds of reading programs can tackle various problems faced by poor readers. "This is showing us for the first time the specific changes in the brains of children receiving this sort of treatment, and how that is coupled with the improvement they have in reading and language ability," he said. "We're hoping that this becomes an additional tool to understand how educational remediation programs alter children's abilities, as they must do, by changing the way their brains process information."

Study co-author Paula Tallal, professor of neuroscience at Rutgers University and a founder of Scientific Learning Corporation, the Oakland-based company that designed the program, said the findings are also important because it is the first time a commercial product has been proven scientifically to work using standardized educational testing and brain imaging. Scientific Learning's computer program, Fast ForWord Language, focuses on helping children become more fluent at processing the rapidly changing sounds, she said.

"In light of President [George W.] Bush's legislation, No Child Left Behind, which mandates that only scientifically validated applications be used for intervening with children, this program has the potential to address the crisis we are facing in the number of children failing to meet [educational] standards," she said. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 places an emphasis on teaching methods that have been proven scientifically to work.

Dyslexia, sometimes called "word blindness," is a common disorder, affecting 5 to 10 percent of Americans, Gabrieli said. It is defined as a specific difficulty in reading that is severe enough to interfere with academic functioning and cannot be accounted for by lack of educational opportunities, personal motivation or problems in sight or sound. Tallal said that studies estimate that about 40 percent of people with dyslexia inherit it genetically. Other factors believed to trigger the disorder include prematurity at birth, developmental language impairment and attention deficits, she said.

Dyslexics have trouble distinguishing between letters that rhyme, such as 'B' and 'D.' "If you hear the sound 'ba' in butter and 'da' in Doug, the only way we know the difference is in the first 40 milliseconds of the onset of those sounds," Tallal explained. "The ability to extract the sounds out of words is what is called phonological awareness. We have to be aware that words can be broken into sounds, called phonemes, and that these sounds have to be identified with letters." This process might appear intuitive, but it is a learned skill, Tallal said.

The training program the children took part in was targeted at helping them learn to process and interpret the very rapid sequence of sounds within words and sentences by exaggerating and slowing them down. "These are the building blocks you have to have in place before you can learn to read," Tallal said. "I think Fast ForWord is building the scaffold for reading, and doing it based on scientific knowledge of the most efficient and effective way of helping the brain learn."

The study

The study included 20 dyslexic children aged 8 to 12 years. Their brains were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at Stanford's Lucas Center for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy before and after participating in the eight-week training program. A control group of 12 children with normal reading abilities also had their brains scanned but did not participate in the training.

The scanning machines, which look like beds that slide into small tubes, normally are used to check for brain injuries or tumors, Gabrieli said. With slightly different software they can be used to measure which regions of the brain are active by looking for changes in blood oxygenation, a process that occurs in parts of the brain where the neurons are active.

Study lead author Elise Temple, assistant professor in human development at Cornell, headed the research as a graduate student at Stanford. Both the dyslexic children and the control group were asked to perform a simple rhyming task while having their brains scanned. Participants were shown two uppercase letters and told to push a button if the two letters rhymed with each other. For example, 'B' and 'D' would match, but not 'B' and 'K.'

Twenty-minute sessions were broken into five-minute segments, during which the children had to stay completely still. Afterward, they were rewarded with Pokémon or baseball cards, and given a picture of their brain to take home. Before the sessions started, Temple allowed the children to play around the machines, which can be claustrophobic, to help them become comfortable with the testing process. "In this study, it was especially important not to have the experience be a bad one because we wanted them to come back," Temple said.

During the rhyming exercise, children with normal reading showed activity in both the language-critical left frontal and temporal regions of the brain, the latter of which is behind and above the left ear. Dyslexics, however, struggled with the task and failed to activate the temporal region, and showed some activity only in the frontal brain area.

Afterward, the dyslexic children used the Fast ForWord Language computer program for 100 minutes a day, five days a week, as part of their regular school day. "The computer games were fun, the kids liked them," Gabrieli said. The program consisted of seven exercises that rewarded players when they answered questions correctly. For example, when a picture of a boy and a toy was shown, a voice from the computer would ask the player to point to the boy, a step that required understanding the very brief difference in the sound of the first consonant in each word. Initially, the questions were asked in a slower, more exaggerated fashion than in normal speech to help the children understand the sounds inside the words. As the player progressed, the speed of the voice in the program slowly increased. "Each child worked at his or her own level," Tallal said. "The goal was to leave all children processing sounds correctly in words and sentences of increasing length and grammatical complexity."

The results

Following the training, the dyslexic children's scores went up in a number of language and reading tests, Gabrieli said. "The study supported the idea that for some children, getting training on just simply processing rapid sounds is a route to becoming much more fluent and capable readers," he said. In addition, activation of the children's brains fundamentally changed, becoming much more like that of good readers. "We see that the brains of these children are remarkably plastic and adaptive, and it makes us hopeful that the best language intervention programs in the future can alter the brains in fundamentally helpful ways," he said.

It is likely that the children will continue to need considerable help in reading, Gabrieli said. "This is not a one-shot vaccine," he said. "But it makes them much more prepared to take advantage of a regular curriculum to read successfully and do well."

The next step, Temple said, is to see if other commercial programs can alter the brain as well. "I don't know if these changes are unique to this program," she said. "Are there some training programs that are better for some kids than others?" A future goal would be to offer a series of tests to help select which programs best meet a child's needs, she said.

For many years, Gabrieli said, the nation has been concerned with the best methods to teach reading. "We're hoping that this becomes one piece of many pieces of research that will help us better understand ... what are effective ways to rescue children who have trouble reading," he said. In addition, the study brings the scientific use of brain imaging into the arena of education. "We'd like to use these cutting-edge tools of neuroscience to somehow directly assist thoughts about educational curricula, policies and ways to help children perform better in school and look forward to better futures," he said.

In addition to Temple, Tallal and Gabrieli, the paper was written by Gayle K. Deutsch, a senior clinical scientist at Stanford; Russell Poldrack, a former postdoctoral student at Stanford and currently assistant professor of psychology at the University of California-Los Angeles; Steven L. Miller of Scientific Learning Corporation; and Michael M. Merzenich, a founder of Scientific Learning and a professor at the University of California-San Francisco. The Haan Foundation for Children helped fund the study.

This article was originally published in the Stanford Report on February 25, 2003.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Brain’s Gardeners

Microglia (green) with purple representing the P2Y12 receptor which the study shows is a critical regulator in the process of pruning connections between nerve cells.

 A new study out today in the journal Nature Communications shows that cells normally associated with protecting the brain from infection and injury also play an important role in rewiring the connections between nerve cells.  While this discovery sheds new light on the mechanics of neuroplasticity, it could also help explain diseases like autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, and dementia, which may arise when this process breaks down and connections between brain cells are not formed or removed correctly.
“We have long considered the reorganization of the brain’s network of connections as solely the domain of neurons,” said Ania Majewska, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and senior author of the study.  “These findings show that a precisely choreographed interaction between multiple cells types is necessary to carry out the formation and destruction of connections that allow proper signaling in the brain.”
The study is another example of a dramatic shift in scientists’ understanding of the role that the immune system, specifically cells called microglia, plays in maintaining brain function.  Microglia have been long understood to be the sentinels of the central nervous system, patrolling the brain and spinal cord and springing into action to stamp out infections or gobble up dead cell tissue.  However, scientists are now beginning to appreciate that, in addition to serving as the brain’s first line of defense, these cells also have a nurturing side, particularly as it relates to the connections between neurons.
The formation and removal of the physical connections between neurons is a critical part of maintaining a healthy brain and the process of creating new pathways and networks among brain cells enables us to absorb, learn, and memorize new information.  
“The brain’s network of connections is like a garden,” said Rebecca Lowery, a graduate student in Majewska’s lab and co-author of the study.  “Not only does it require nourishment and a healthy environment, but every once in a while you need to prune dead branches and pull up weeds in order to allow new flowers to grow.”
While this constant reorganization of neural networks – called neuroplasticity – has been well understood for some time, the basic mechanisms by which connections between brain cells are made and broken has eluded scientists. 
Performing experiments in mice, the researchers employed a well-established model of measuring neuroplasticity by observing how cells reorganize their connections when visual information received by the brain is reduced from two eyes to one. 
The researchers found that in the mice’s brains microglia responded rapidly to changes in neuronal activity as the brain adapted to processing information from only one eye.  They observed that the microglia targeted the synaptic cleft – the business end of the connection that transmits signals between neurons.  The microglia “pulled up” the appropriate connections, physically disconnecting one neuron from another, while leaving other important connections intact. 
This is similar to what occurs during an infection or injury, in which microglia are activated, quickly navigate towards the injured site, and remove dead or diseased tissue while leaving healthy tissue untouched. 
The researchers also pinpointed one of the key molecular mechanisms in this process and observed that when a single receptor – called P2Y12 – was turned off the microglia ceased removing the connections between neurons.
These findings may provide new insight into disorders that are the characterized by sensory or cognitive dysfunction, such as autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, and dementia.  It is possible that when the microglia’s synapse pruning function is interrupted or when the cells mistakenly remove the wrong connections – perhaps due to genetic factors or because the cells are too occupied elsewhere fighting an infection or injury – the result is impaired signaling between brain cells.
“These findings demonstrate that microglia are a dynamic and integral component of the complex machinery that allows neurons to reorganize their connections in the healthy mature brain,” said Grayson Sipe, a graduate student in Majewska’s lab and co-author of the study.  “While more work needs to be done to fully understand this process, this study may help us understand how genetics or disruption of the immune system contributes to neurological disorders.”
Additional co-authors include Emily Kelly and Cassandra Lamantia with URMC and Marie Eve Tremblay with Laval University in Quebec.  The study was support by the National Eye Institute and the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Can We Predict Future Literacy Skills in Children? - Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

Study: Predicting literacy skills in children years before they read

A new study says non-reading children Predicting literacy skillsas young as age 3 carry objective neurophysiological markers that signal whether they will struggle to read. Children so young have never been tested before, but the research team found a way to measure their brain responses to sound, a key part of pre-reading development.
The groundbreaking study found promising results in how to predict reading abilitybefore reading instruction begins. More testing is needed, but if the approach works, scientists may literally predict if a toddler is at risk. That could lead to early intervention strategies that dramatically improve a child’s reading skills, said senior researcher and neurobiologist Nina Kraus, director of Northwestern’s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Evanston, Ill.
“If you know you have a 3-year-old at risk, you can, as soon as possible, begin to enrich their life in sound so that you don’t lose those crucial early developmental years,” Kraus told The Huffington Post.
The study published in the July issue of PLOS Biology is one of the first to find that the brain’s ability to process the sounds of consonants in noise is critical for language and reading development. In other words, reading begins with the ears, not the eyes, as our brains index meaningful sounds and attempt to block out noise, all within microseconds.
“This is arguably some of the most complex computation that we ask our brain to do,” Kraus told National Public Radio.
Noisy environments tax all of us when we’re trying to listen for meaningful sound, according to Martha Burns, Ph.D., Joint Appointment Professor at Northwestern University. But for children with auditory processing disorders (APD), meaningful sounds sound, well, simply muddled. And classrooms can be very noisy places, where children with APD may find it difficult to filter out irrelevant noise.
“The child’s natural instinct, just like yours, is to stop listening. As a result, children with APD often achieve way under their potential despite being very bright,” Burns wrote.
Researchers have already found ways to help children with auditory processing disorders. Burns notes, for example, that programs such as Fast ForWord Language v2 can change the brainstem response to speech and improve auditory processing skills, helping children improve their ability to listen for competing words and deciphering words that are unclear.
But noise, as distinct from sound, particularly affects the brain’s ability to hear consonants. Consonants are said very quickly and not as loudly or as long as vowels - which in contrast - are acoustically simple.

The methodology: how did the study work?

Kraus and her team used a combination of consonants and vowels, specifically the sound “da,” to see how well kids’ brains could filter out background noise. The results showed tremendous potential for identifying children with potential reading problems later in life. “Our results suggest that the precision and stability of coding consonants in noise parallels emergent literacy skills across a broad spectrum of competencies – all before explicit reading instruction begins,” the study says.  
Here’s how Kraus’s team discovered the neurological markers in youngsters too young to read. In a series of experiments, they asked 112 kids between the ages of 3 and 14 to choose a favorite movie and sit in a comfortable chair. Then, researchers attached electroencephalograms (EEGs) to each of the children’s scalps to monitor their brain waves while they listened to a video soundtrack in one ear and to noise in the other ear. The transmitted noise, specifically the sound “da,” was imposed over background chatting of about a half dozen people.
The EEG output to a computer allowed Kraus’s team to actually see the kids’ brain waves and understand how well they could separate the sound “da” from the noisy chatter. The brain should respond the same way repeatedly to the sound “da,” Kraus said. But if the brain doesn’t respond the same way over and over again, something may be wrong with the child’s auditory processing. “If the brain responds differently to that same sound - (even though) the sound hasn’t changed – how is a child to learn?” Kraus said.
The team tested the 3-year-olds, then re-tested them the following year. In the follow-up, researchers learned they could predict which of the 4-year-olds would struggle with reading. They also tested children as old as 14 and found that they could predict reading skills and learning disabilities.

What are the implications?

Based on the results, researchers developed a model to predict reading performance. The test is a “biological looking glass into a child’s literacy potential,” Kraus told NPR.
“If the brain’s response to sound isn’t optimal, it can’t keep up with the fast, difficult computations required to process in noise,” she said. “Sound is a powerful, invisible force that is central to human communication. Everyday listening experiences bootstrap language development by cluing children in on which sounds are meaningful. If a child can’t make meaning of these sounds through the background noise, he won’t develop the linguistic resources needed when reading instruction begins.”
The findings have far-reaching consequences for parents and educators because, clearly, they show that reading is about perceiving sound. To reiterate, reading is about the ears, not the eyes.
And, when it comes to reading intervention, the earlier, the better.
“My vision for this is to have every child tested at birth,” Kraus said.

For further reading:

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Benefits of Downtime: Why Learners’ Brains Need a Break - Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

DowntimeA friend of mine once described her brain as a washing machine, tumbling and tossing the requests and information that hit her at work from every direction. Many people I know feel the same way—overwhelmed by the onslaught of knowledge and to-dos that accompany the always-on smartphone era.
The situation is not that different for most kids these days, with high expectations in the classroom, fewer opportunities to unwind with recess and the arts, busy social calendars, and a seemingly limitless supply of extracurricular activities—like circus arts and robotics—that weren’t available to previous generations. That’s unfortunate, because research shows that time off-task is important for proper brain function and health.
Going Offline
The idea that the brain might be productively engaged during downtime has been slow in coming. Because of the brain’s massive energy consumption—using as much as 20% of the body’s energy intake while on-task—most scientists expected that the organ would default to a frugal, energy-saving mode when given the chance.
Recently, however, brain researchers have discovered sets of scattered brain regions that fire in a synchronized way when people switch to a state of mental rest, such as daydreaming. These “resting-state networks” help us process our experience, consolidate memories, reinforce learning, regulate our attention and emotions, keep us productive and effective in our work and judgment, and more.
The best understood of these networks is the Default Mode Network, or DMN. It’s the part of the brain that chatters on continuously when we’re off-task—ruminating on a conversation that didn’t go as well as we’d hoped, for example, or flipping through our mental to-do list, or nagging us about how we’ve treated a friend.
Many of us are culturally conditioned to think of time off-task as “wasted” and a sign of inefficiency or laziness. But teachers and learners can benefit from recognizing how downtime can help. In addition to giving the brain an opportunity to make sense of what it has just learned, shifting off-task can help learners refresh their minds when frustrated so they can return to a problem and focus better.
The Productive Faces of Idleness
Sleep is the quintessential form of downtime for the brain. All animals sleep in some form, and even plants and microorganisms often have dormant or inactive states. Sleep has been shown in numerous studies to play a major role in memory formation and consolidation.
Recent studies have shown that when the human brain flips to idle mode, the neurons that work so hard when we’re on-task settle down and the surrounding glial cells increase their activity dramatically, cleaning up the waste products accumulated by the neurons and moving them out via the body’s lymphatic system. Researchers believe that the restorative effects of sleep are due to this cleansing mechanism. Napping for 10-30 minutes has been demonstrated to increase alertness and improve performance.
Teachers might consider reminding parents of the importance of adequate sleep for learning in the classroom – especially if learners are visibly sleepy or have noticeable difficulty focusing in class. As many as 30% of K-12 learners don’t get enough sleep at night.
Idleness is often considered a vice, but there’s growing evidence that there are benefits to “doing nothing.” Electrical activity in the brain that appears to solidify certain kinds of memories is more frequent during downtime—as when lying in the dark at bedtime—than it is during sleep.
Meditation is another way of giving the brain a break from work without fully surrendering consciousness. Research has shown that meditation can refresh our ability to concentrate, help us attend to tasks more efficiently, and strengthen connections between regions of the DMN.
Experienced meditators typically perform better than non-meditators on difficult attention tests, and may be able to toggle more easily between the DMN and those brain networks that we use when we’re actively on task.
There’s evidence as well that the brain benefits from going offline for even the briefest moments—as when we blink. Every time we blink, our DMN fires up and our conscious networks take respite for a moment, giving the conscious mind a bit of relief.
Some schools are taking note and introducing meditation into the classroom.Getting the buy-in needed to launch a meditation program takes work, but benefits can be substantial.
It’s not uncommon to experience a sudden flash of insight while engaged in mundane activities like doing a crossword puzzle or cleaning the house. There’s a famous anecdote about Archimedes, a prominent scientist in classical Greece, solving a problem in just this way.
Archimedes needed to determine whether the king’s new crown was made entirely of the gold supplied to the goldsmith, or whether inferior metals like silver had been mixed in—and he had to do it without damaging the crown. He puzzled over how to solve the problem, without luck. Then, as he stepped into a bathtub one day and saw the water level rise, he realized in an instant that he could use the water’s buoyancy to measure the density of the crown against a solid gold reference sample. He conducted the experiment and found that the crown was less dense than the gold sample, implicating the goldsmith in fraud.
Scientists who research “unconscious thought” have found that activities that distract the conscious mind without taxing the brain seem to give people greater insight into complex problems. In a study of students who were asked to determine which car would be the best purchase, for instance, the group that spent their decision-making time solving an unrelated puzzle made better choices than the group that deliberated over the information for four minutes.
Brief windows of time spent on routine, mundane activities in the classroom—like feeding the class pet, putting books back on a bookshelf, or rearranging desks—can give learners a much-needed break from the sustained concentration required for academic time on-task.
Standing Up for Downtime
With so much to do and so little learning time in a school year—fitting in downtime is easier said than done. But take heart. Even closing your eyes, taking one deep breath, and exhaling can help to refresh the brain and takes practically no time. Offering more downtime in moment-sized bites might be just the thing for keeping ourselves, our students and our children on schedule and giving our brains that little bit of freedom to turn off for just a minute.
Holiday breaks and vacations are a perfect time for all of us take a break. I’ll be finding some time to unplug, unwind, and turn off. Will you?
2004 Sleep in America Poll. (2004). Retrieved December 8, 2013, from
Braun, D. (2009, August 6). Why do we Sleep? Scientists are Still Trying to Find Out. Retrieved December 2, 2013, from
Insufficient Sleep Is a Public Health Epidemic. (2013).  Retrieved December 8, 2013 from
Jabr, F. (2013, October 15). Why Your Brain Needs More November 30, 2013, from
Sabourin, J. Rowe, J.P, Mott, B.,W. & Lester, J.C. (2011). When Off-Task is On-Task: The Affective Role of Off-Task Behavior in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Artificial Intelligence in Education6738, 534-536. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21869-9_93
Welsh, J. (2013, October 17). Scientists Have Finally Found The First Real Reason We Need To Sleep. Retrieved December 2, 2013, from